2014-04-02 Junior Newsletter
(end of) Summer Days Week 7: Last run in the sun... until May 3rd!
The weather gods were smiling on us with a balmy evening greeting us for the last Summer Days session of the season. Plenty of smiles and great efforts on the field as this week's photos show.
The sausage sizzle was well attended and enjoyed by all. Big thanks our new friends Ben the Butcher for donating the delicious sausages.
With the end of Summer Days for this year, it is also timely for us to give thanks to those who made Summer Days possible:
- A number of our "older" junior players gave up seven of their Monday evenings to run training and do umpiring. Tayla, Xavier and Sarah especially - you are great ambassadors to our club;
- A number of our "younger" senior players also gave up their time to pass on their expertise to the next batch of lacrosse talent. Hayley, Andrew (Hammy), Josh and River amongst others. We are very lucky that we are able to expose our young players to Australian, Victorian and State League Championship players.
- The girls and boys were terrific! They really picked up the game quickly and as the photos showed each week, seemed to really enjoy it. All of them could easily compete in the Lacrosse Victoria Competition.
- Finally, the parents... as parents ourselves, we know it can be a logistical challenge to get the kids to all their activities. We hope that you found it an easy and enjoyable experience.
After a couple of weeks break, Summer Days leads into the Lacrosse Victoria Junior Competition and iPlay.
Details for the Lacrosse Victoria Junior season 2014
Surrey Park will be fielding junior team(s) in U/11 mixed, U/13 boys/mixed, U/15 boys and U/15 girls.
Based on the success of Summer Days and building on the base of last year's players, the teams we will be fielding in Lacrosse Victoria's Junior Competition should be very competitive. We will fill the teams on the basis of order or receipt of registration forms (available on the Surrey Park website).
LV's Junior Season proper starts on Saturday May 3rd 2014. Training will start Thursday 24 April 2014 at 5:30pm at Mont Albert Reserve.
To ensure all players are covered under LV's insurance, we cannot let children train or play unless they have returned their registration forms. Forms can be returned prior to training or by contacting Junior Co-ordinator, Nick Farley, on 0411 049 588, or juniors@surreyparklacrosse.org.au.
Players in U/13 or U/15 who are playing with the hard-ball for the first time, will find that it takes time to adjust to throwing / catching with the hard balls, as well as getting used to the changes of playing in a helmet.
Players who have purchased the protective gear kits as part of our great offer from our sponsors, Players Edge, can pick these up before the start of training on Thursday 24 April, or by prior arrangement with Nick Farley, Junior Co-ordinator.
iPlay - Introduction to lacrosse
For those who just wish to play iPlay, which is a winter version of Summer Days, and this will start on Friday 2nd May 2014, at Mont Albert Reserve.
Players registered to play in LV's Junior competition are welcome to play iPlay at no additional cost.
Registration forms, and electronic payment details are found on the Surrey Park website.
We look forward to a wonderful winter season.
See you soon,
Surrey Park Lacrosse Club Parent's Forum