2013-02-10 Junior Newsletter
On Behalf of the
Surrey Park Lacrosse Club
I invite you to back to
Lacrosse in 2013
Hi Players, Parents & Friends
Firstly Happy New Year, I hope you have all rekindled your desire to play Lacrosse for Surrey Park Lacrosse Club in the forthcoming 2013 season, grown twenty centimeters and put on five kilos and are ready to have another great year of Lacrosse. And if not we want to see you back at the club enjoying yourself.
When do we begin Training?
Training for all players – iPlay, U 12’s, 14’s & 16’s Mixed or Boys teams and U 13 & U 15 Girls will begin on THURSDAY 18th April at the clubrooms at 5.30 pm. We will have a training session followed up by a BBQ, finishing and finish about 7.00pm. Bring your sticks and gear for practice.
Teams for 2013
The Girls teams;
- U15 to play in a combined Under 15 side with Camberwell
- We will also enter an U13/U15 side in a new Saturday morning competition to be played exclusively in the EASTERN Suburbs.
The Mixed & Boys teams
- iPlay Friday evening competition to be played at Surrey’s home ground at Mont Albert Reserve
- Mixed Under 12 side playing on Saturday morning
- U14 Reds Team to play as last year combined with Malvern & MCC – to play on a Saturday morning
- U 16 Combined side with Camberwell - to play on a Saturday morning
Subscriptions for Season 2013
All participating players will pay a set fee of $160.00.
Payment may be made by cheque, cash or direct deposit to the Surrey Park Lacrosse Club as detailed below. Cheques to be made out to Surrey Park Lacrosse Club
Deposit details are;
Name: SPLC
BSB: 633 000
Acct: 139 574 776
iPlay Friday Night Competition will commence on Friday 3rd May
All these Competitions will get underway in late April, with the exact dates to be announced by Lacrosse Victoria shortly.
We are really looking forward to seeing all past players down at the club on Thursday 18th April. Also we are looking for new recruits so have a chat to your friends and bring them along to have a look at our great game
See you soon
Nick Farley
On behalf of the Surrey Park Lacrosse Club
Enrolment Form for Surrey Park Lacrosse Club
I give permission for my child ................................................................ to join the Surrey Park Lacrosse Club. I am aware training begins on Thursday 18th April 2013 from 5.30pm to 6.30pm at the Mont Albert Cricket Ground and followed up with a Sausage Sizzle.
I authorize the coordinator of the program to consent, where it is impracticable to communicate with me, to the child receiving such first aid or medical treatment as may be deemed necessary.
Please find enclosed a cheque / cash/ Direct payment for $160.00
- A cheques should be made payable to Surrey Park Lacrosse Club
- Direct payment, details are
Name: SPLC
BSB: 633 000
Acct: 139 574 776
CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBER DURING THIS ACTIVITY: ...................................
Parent / Guardian’s Name: ……………………………………………..
Signed Parent/Guardian: ....................................................
Email Address: ………………………………………………………